MATRIU_ (matrix)
Fascinated by the beauty of Joan Miró’s original printing plates I tried to take them back to the place they should be,
giving them back their dignity and their aura, stolen by the stamp.
I intimately approached them, with my respect and admiration. I am not sure of having obtained what I expected.
Now, my pictures hang on the walls of the Foundation and the plates are still hidden.
In 2014, after two years working on Forgotten, I stumbled almost by accident, with a material of incredible sensitivity and possibilities. I never thought they would let me do it. I was not even sure I was capable to do it. But I presented my proposal to the Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation of Mallorca, they liked the idea and bit by bit it gained shape.
Many great professionals have been part of this project: Joan Oliver, Piedad Solans, Enric Juncosa, Pilar Baos, Pepe Cañabate, Jordi Cerdà, Julià, etc. ... thanks to all of them.
Here I leave you, in this journey of 22 photographs on matters such as the original and the copy, duplication and the portrait; the place of craft in the era of new technologies or the aura, transparency, the ephemeral and opaque.
Beside this dialogue, a tribute and recognition of the etching plates. An approach to those forgotten in the art world. Archived, hidden and mutilated treasures, after fulfilling the function for which they were created.
Thanks Joan Miró for let me go inside of your universe ...
Here you can read the text written by Piedad Solans for the exhibition.